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姓 名:Luiz Moutinho
現 職:Foundation Chair in Marketing at Glasgow University, Management School in
    Glasgow,Scotland, UK.

學 歷:PhD at the University of Sheffield
專 長:Strategic Marketing and Futurecast Consumer Behaviour, and Marketing of

經 歷:Cardiff Business School, University of Wales College of Cardiff and California
    State University, USA. Visiting Professorship positions in New Zealand and

姓 名:Omprakash K.Gupta
現 職:Professor and Head, Department of Management and Marketing, Prairie View
    A&M University, Texa A&M University System.
學 歷:PhD Purdue University
專 長:Management ScienceM.Sc. in Mathematics
經 歷:Professor:Purdue University, IndianaUniversity Northwest
姓 名:John Leung
現 職:Director of Executive MBA program, and an Associate Professor of Marketing
    at City University of Hong Kong.

學 歷:PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin at MadisonMS
    in Computer and Information Science at Georgia Institute of Technology.

專 長:Service strategy and Quality management, Business process improvement,
    and Customer retention strategy

經 歷:Deputy Director of IT Center for reengineering
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