1. Wu, L.C., and Ong, C.S.*, "Management of Information
Technology Investment: A Framework Based on a Real Options and
Mean-Variance Theory Perspective," Technovation, (SSCI
+SCI), Accepted, In Press, 2007
2. Wu, L.C., Chou, S.C., Yang, C.C., and Ong, C.S.*, “Enhanced
Index Investing Based on Goal Programming,” Journal of Portfolio
Management, (SSCI), Vol. 33 (3), Spring, 2007, pp.49-56
3. Wu, L.C., Ong, C.S.*, and Hsu, Y.W., "Knowledge-Based
Organization Evaluation," Decision Support Systems, Accepted,
In Press, 2007 (SCI)
4. Wu, L.C., Ong, C.S.*, and Hsu, Y.W., “Active ERP implementation
management: A Real Options perspective,” Journal of Systems
and Software, (SCI), Accepted, In Press, 2007
5. Wu, L.C., Hsu, Y.W., and Ong, C.S.* "ERP implementation:
a quantitative model for organisational learning," International
Journal of Information Technology and Management (6:1) 2007,
pp 78-91. (EI)
6. Wu, L.C., Ong, C.S.*, and Hsu, Y.W. "ERP Investment
Evaluation Based on Options Theory," Journal of Information
Management (13), 2006, pp 1-16. (TSSCI)
1. Wu, L.C., and Ong, C.S., "Buyer-Supplier Relationships
under Uncertainty: An Economic Perspective," Presentation
as an Interactive Paper, Academy of Management Meeting (AOM
2007), (Accept rate: 12.8%), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2. Wu, L.C., and Ong, C.S., “Management of ERP implementation,”
10th PACIS 2006, Proceeding of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference
on Information Systems (PACIS 2006, Malaysia) (Oral presentation)
(Accept rate: 28%)
3. Wu, L.C., and Ong, C.S., “Knowledge-Based Organization
Evaluation,” 10th PACIS 2006, Proceeding of the 10th Pacific
Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006, Malaysia)
(Oral presentation) (Accept rate: 28%)
4. Wu, L.C., and Ong, C.S., “Optimal Timing Decision on Information
Technology Investment” , Proceeding of the Ninth Pacific Asia
Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2005, Thailand)
5. Wu, L.C., “Index Fund ¾ A Combination Model of Mean-Variance
and Goal Programming and an Empirical Study of the Taiwan
Stock Market”, Proceedings of the 2005 5th Hawaii International
Conference on Business (HICB 2005, Hawaii)
Wu, L.C., Ong, C.S., and Hsu, Y.W., “Bridging the Option Pricing
Theory with IT deployment strategy on Optimal Timing Decision,