1. Ruey-Dang Chang, Yeun-Wen Chang, and David Paper, 2003,
“The Effect of Task Uncertainty, Decentralization, and AIS
Characteristics on the Performance of AIS: An Empirical Case
in Taiwan”, Information & Management, Vol. 40, No. 7,
pp. 691-703. (SSCI, Impact Factor 1.768)
2. David Paper, Ruey-Dang Chang, and Jim Rodger, 2003, “Managing
Radical Transformation at FannieMae: A Holistic Paradigm,”
Total Quality Management 5 and Business Excellence, Vol. 14,
No. 4, pp. 475-489. (SSCI)
3. Ruey-Dang Chang and Yeun-Wen Chang, 2003, “The Effect of
MAS Characteristics and Organizational Support on the Performance
of MAS---Using Task Uncertainty as the Moderator,”,Taiwan
Accounting Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 171-200.
4. Ruey-Dang Chang, Kun-Ta Wunn, and Yee-Chy Tseng, 2003,
“A Study of the Relationships between Career Orientation,
Achievement Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to
Stay for Auditors: Using Big CPA Firms as an Example,” Journal
of Business and Economics Research, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 117-128.
5. Ruey-Dang Chang, 2004, “The Effects of Accounting Firms’
Structure and Auditors’ Perceived Fairness on Auditors’ Search
for Audit Information,“ Taiwan Accounting Review,Vol. 4, No.
2, pp. 181-204. (NSC87-2416-H-110-03)
6. Ruey-Dang Chang, 2004, “The Effects of Leadership Style
Perception on Auditors’ Communication Behavior: A LISREL Analysis,”
Journal of Business and Economics Research, Vol. 2, No. 1,
pp. 1-12. (NSC89-2416-H-110-061)
7. 張瑞當、蕭弘宗、張允文,2004,「我國商業銀行營運績效之評估----內部稽 核觀點之探討」,績效與策略研究,第1
卷,第1 期,12 月,pp 1-20。
8. David Paper and Ruey-Dang Chang, 2005, “The State of Business
Process Reengineering: A Search for Success Factors,” Total
Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 16, No.
1, pp. 115-127. (SSCI)
9. Tseng, Y.C., C. J. Fang and Ruey-Dang Chang, 2005, “How
Leadership Style Perception Influences Subordinates’ Job Satisfaction
Through Task Characteristics Perception,” Review of Business
Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 147-162.
10. 張瑞當、方俊儒,2006,「資訊揭露評鑑系統對企業盈餘管理行為之影響」, 會計評論,第42 期,pp 1-22。(TSSCI)
11. Ruey-Dang Chang and Yee-Chy Tseng, 2006, “Effects of a
Decision Aid for the Assessment of Fraudulent Financial Reporting:
An Application of SAS No. 82 ”, Journal of Business and Economics
Research, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 57-66. (NSC91-2416-H-110-022)
12. 張瑞當、方俊儒、曾玉琦,2007,「核心代理問題與盈餘管理:董事會結構 與外部監督機制之探討」,管理學報,第24
卷,第1 期,pp. 17-39。(TSSCI)
13. 張瑞當、方俊儒、朱正雄,2007,「代理成本對自願性盈餘預測揭露之影響」,交大管理學報,第27卷,第2期,pp.
14. 張瑞當、沈文華、張菁萍、魏若婷,2007,「台灣會計學術研究之回顧與展望」,中山管理評論,已被接受,forthcoming。(TSSCI)
15. 張瑞當、郭倉義、沈文華、林文豪,2007,「作業基礎成本管理制度效能之分析:以一貫作業鋼廠為例」,中華管理評論,已被接受,forthcoming。
16. 張允文、張瑞當、張菁萍、吳少君,2007,「預算參與一致性對個人及公司績效之影響」,會計評論,第45期,pp
57-97。(TSSCI) (NSC92-2416-H-126-008)
17. 張瑞當、林國欽、沈文華、侯佩秀,2007,「高階經理人薪酬績效敏感度對自願性資訊發佈之影響」,會計與公司治理,第4卷,第1期,pp.
18. Chang, Ruey-Dang, Yeun-Wen Chang, Ching-Ping Chang and
Fiona Hu, 2007, “The Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms
and Investment Opportunity Set on Firm Performance,” Corporate
Ownership and Control, Accepted for publication in Vol. 5,
May 2008 (Forthcoming).
19. Chang, Ruey-Dang, Wen-Hua Shen and Chun-Ju Fang, 2007,
“Discretionary Loan Loss Provisions and Earnings Management
for the Banking Industry,” International Business and Economics
Research Journal, Accepted for publication in March 2008(Forthcoming).
1. Ruey-Dang Chang, Yeun-Wen Chang, and Yee-Chy Tseng, 2003,
“The Effects of User Participation and Financial Incentives
on the Performance of Accounting Information Systems: An Experiment,”
Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of American
Accounting Association, April 10-12, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
2. Paper, D., Ruey-Dang Chang, S. Simon, and W. Wok, 2003,
“Implementing a Management-directed Information Systems,”
Paper presented at the 2003 Americas Conference on Information
Systems, August 4-5, Tampa, Florida, USA.
3. Chang, Ruey-Dang and Y.W. Chang, 2003, “The Effects of
User Participation, Financial Incentives and Top Management
Support on the Performance of Accounting Information Systems,”
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Asian-Pacific Conference on International
Accounting Issues, November 22-25, Bangkok, Thailand. (NSC90-2416-H-110-014)
4. Chang, Y.W. and Ruey-Dang Chang, 2004, “The Effects of
Integration and Responsiveness of MNC Subsidiaries on the
Characteristics and Performance of Management Accounting Information
Systems,” Proceedings of the Sixteenth Asian-Pacific Conference
on International Accounting Issues, November 7-10, Seoul,
South Korea.
5. Chang, R. D., C.J. Fang, and Y.C. Tseng, 2005, “Understanding
Earnings Management: A Time-series and Cross-sectional Analysis,”
Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting
Association, August 7-10, San Francisco, CA, USA. (NSC93-2416-H-110-029)
6. Chang, R. D., C.J. Fang, and Y.C. Tseng, 2005, “The Effects
of Market Share and Market Competition on Audit Quality: Empirical
Evidence from Taiwan,” Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting
of the American Accounting Association, August 7-10, San Francisco,
7. Tseng, Y.C., C. J. Fang and Ruey-Dang Chang, 2005, “How
Leadership Style Perception Influences Subordinates’ Job Satisfaction
Through Task Characteristics Perception,” paper presented
at the 2005 Annual Conference of the International Academy
of Business & Economics, October 16-19, Las Vegas, Nevada,
8. Y.W. Chang, Ruey-Dang Chang, Y.C. Chen, C.P. Chang, and
S.C. Wu, 2006, “The Effect of Participative Budgeting Congruence
on Individual Performance and Corporate Performance,” paper
presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting
Association, August 6-9, Washington, D.C., USA.
9. Ruey-Dang Chang, C.J. Fang, Y.C. Tseng and W.H. Shen, 2006,
“A Study on Earnings Management of the Affiliated Business
Groups,” paper presented at the Eighteenth Asian-Pacific Conference
on International Accounting Issues, October 15-18, Maui, Hawaii,
10. Ruey-Dang Chang, C.J. Fang, Y.C. Tseng and W.H. Shen,
2006, “Accounting Conservatism of Financial Reporting in Taiwan:
A Time-series and Cross-sectional Analysis,” paper presented
at the Eighteenth Asian-Pacific Conference on International
Accounting Issues, October 15-18, Maui, Hawaii, USA. (NSC92-2416-H-110-022)
11. Y.W. Chang, H.I. Lee, Ruey-Dang Chang, R.T. Wei, and M.J.
Hsieh, 2006, “The Effects of Recognition in Performance Measurement
Systems on TQM and Firm Performance,” paper presented at the
Eighteenth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting
Issues, October 15-18, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
12. Chang, Ruey-Dang, C.J. Fang, and Y.C. Tseng, 2007, “Earnings
Management of the Affiliated Business Groups: The Effect of
Whether Being Audited by the Same CPA Firm,” paper presented
at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association,
August 5-8, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
13. Fang, C.J., Ruey-Dang Chang, and Y.C. Tseng, 2007, “The
Effects of the Information Disclosure and Evaluation System
on Analysts’ Forecasts,” paper presented at the 2007 Annual
Meeting of the American Accounting Association, August 5-8,
Chicago, Illinois, USA.
14. Chang, Y.W., Ruey-Dang Chang, and C.P. Chang, 2007, “The
Effects of Performance Measurement Diversity and Participation
Congruence on Organizational Performance,” paper presented
at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association,
August 5-8, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
15. Chang, Y.W., Ruey-Dang Chang, and C.P. Chang, 2007, “The
Characteristics of Innovation Teams and Diversity of Performance
Measurement,” paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of
the American Accounting Association, August 5-8, Chicago,
Illinois, USA.
16. 張瑞當、曾玉琦,2002,「審計小組領導方式對審計人員溝通行為之影響-以審計結構化為調節變數」,第十一屆(2002)會計理論與實務研討會,11月2-3日,中華會計教育學會/國立台北大學會計系主辦。
17. 張瑞當、方俊儒,2005,「集團企業盈餘管理行為之探討」,第十四屆會計理論與實務研討會,12月 1-2日,中華會計教育學會/國立台灣大學會計系主辦。
18. 張瑞當、朱正雄、方俊儒,2005,「代理成本對自願性盈餘預測揭露之影響」,2005台灣財務學術研討會,4月30日,國立高雄第一科技大學主辦。
19. 張瑞當、方俊儒、曾玉琦,2005, 「會計師網路信託對網路購物行為之影響」,2005會計與資訊科技國際研討會,5月17-19日,國立中正大學會計系主辦。(NSC92-2416-H-110-042-EF)
20. 張瑞當、沈文華、陳建嘉,2005,「盈餘預測品質與核閱會計師事務所品質關聯性之研究」,2005中山會計論壇,6月24日,國立中山大學企管系主辦。
21. 張瑞當、沈文華、方俊儒,2006,「博達案對會計師簽發繼續經營有重大疑慮查核意見之影響:公司規模與財務困難變數調節效果之探討」,第十五屆會計理論與實務研討會,11月
22. 張瑞當、郭倉義、沈文華、王貞丰,2006,「平衡計分卡與六標準差專案遴選之整合」,2006當代會計暨管理論壇研討會,5月5日,靜宜大學會計系/企管系主辦。(獲大會佳作獎)
23. 張瑞當、沈文華、黃怡翔,2007,「宣告效果、股價報酬與盈餘管理:我國企業私募之研究」,第十六屆會計理論與實務研討會,11月