1. Mu-Yen Chen, Kuang-Ku Chen, Heien-Kun Chiang, Hwa-Shan Huang,
Mu-Jung Huang (2007), Comparing Extended Classifier System and
Genetic Programming for Financial Forecasting: An Empirical
Study, Soft Computing (SCI), Vol. 11, No. 12., pp.1173-1183.
2. Pao-Hua Chou, Kuang-Ku Chen, Menq-Jiun Wu (2006), Use of
an Intelligent Agent for an E-Commerce Bargaining System, accept
to appear in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)
, Vol.4251, pp.300-309. (Indexed by [SCI], ISI 2004 Impact Factor:
3. An-Pin Chen, Kuang-Ku Chen, and Mu-Yen Chen (2005), A Three-phase
Knowledge Extraction Methodology Using Learning Classifier System,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.3588, pp.858-867.
(Indexed by [SCI], ISI 2004 Impact Factor: 0.513) B.
1. 陳光谷、陳牧言、黃亭蓉 (2008),以科技接受模式探討企業導入ERP之專案品質對使用者滿意度之影響,2008 ERP學術與實務研討會,中華企業資源規劃學會主辦。
2. 陳光谷、陳牧言、林姵君 (2008),應用DeLone & McLean資訊系統成功模式建立企業資源規劃系統-從使用者觀點探討,2008
3. Kuang-Ku Chen, Mu-Yen Chen, Hui-Ju Wu, Yi-Lung Lee (2007),
Constructing a Web-based Employee Training Expert System with
Data Mining Approach, The 9th IEEE International Conference
on E-Commerce Technology and The 4th IEEE International Conference
on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC-EEE
2007), Tokyo, Japan, July 23-25, 2007, pp. 659-664. (EI)
4. Lee, T.F., Lin, J.T.M., and Chen, K.K., “An Integrative Study
of Organizational Information Security Management Systems,”
ICESAcc 2005 (2nd International Conference on Enterprise Systems
and Accounting ), July 11th-12th, 2005, Thessaloniki, Electra
Palace Hotel, Organized by T7 Global Ltd. and Department of
Accounting, TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece (http://www.icesacc.org)
5. 李東峰、陳光谷,”高階主管承諾對資訊系統專案承諾失控舉發決策影響之研究”,ICIM2005第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文光碟,中華民國資訊管理學會主辦,2005年5月28日,輔仁大學資訊管理系(http://icim2005.im.fju.edu.tw/
ICIM 2005)。.
6. Yu-Cheng Tang, Kuang-Ku Chen, & Chih-Cheng Chuang, (2005),
A method pf performance evaluation-The Integration of Balanced
Scorecard and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2005 International
Conference on Accounting and Information Technology, Department
of Accounting and Technology, National Chungcheng University,
7. 陳光谷、陳柏琴 2005 ”會計師事務所導入顧客關係管理之研究”, 2005年會計、資訊暨管理論壇,大葉大學會計資訊系輪辦,2005/5。
8. 陳光谷、賴家輝 2005 “決策導向之會計資訊系統建置”, 2005年會計、資訊暨管理論壇,大葉大學會計資訊系輪辦,2005/5。
9. 陳光谷、陳牧言 “建置智慧型個人投資組合代理人系統”,第九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,大葉大學資管系輪辦,2003/12。
10. 陳光谷、陳牧言 “遠距教學與網路大學的資訊管理技術發展”,第九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,大葉大學資管系輪辦,2003/12。
11. 陳光谷 2003 9 “知識經濟時代之技術職業教育發展”,建教合作與經濟發展─兩岸經驗之整合與願景研討會,江蘇省海峽兩岸關係研究會,2003/9。 |